Sunday, February 16, 2014

Tender Mercies of 2-10-14 through 2-16-14

This week has been really hard for me (I gave a talk in church on Sunday, erhg) but, it has also had its perks- I've started writing a cool story, called Foxglove.  It is the first of the "Foxglove Trilogy," the books are, in order, Foxglove, Hemlock, Nightshade.  Quick overview of the story:
"There is a race of immortal nature spirits, who have been since the beginning of the world.  At the beginning of the world, Earth was devoid of color, so they all created the plants that us humans see and use in their everyday lives.  The plants were each named after the Spirit that made them.  But three of the spirits were shunned, and so turned bitter, and as revenge created poisons:  Foxglove, Hemlock, and Nightshade.  The plants killed many unsuspecting humans, who had been told that all of the plants were safe, before the other spirits discovered, and cast out the three, banishing them forever from their home and their jobs in the gardens and forests of the world.  Now, the trio have seen their selfish ways and want to make amends, but since they were cast out they lost all contact with their sisters and are as invisible to them.  Therefore, they must use trustworthy humans to carry their messages and to go on their quests.  An unsuspecting trio of 'perfectly normal' teenage girls find their families gone, and their services required by the three spirits."  Each book has a different main character's point of view, and a quest for a different nature spirit, but the trio go on the adventures together in each book.  Cool, right?
My mom really likes it, but one of my particular vices about writing books is that Inspector Gadget continually looks over my shoulder and prompts me to "forget he's there".  HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO "FORGET HE'S THERE" WHEN HE'S STARING AT ME!  Yeah, that's one problem.  After I failed at NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), my self-esteem was down for a while, but then I got this crazy cool idea, and I couldn't keep it in or I'd forget all about it.  And that, friends, is a tender mercy for you:  imagination, crazy ideas.  Thank you, Heavenly Father, for giving me my wild imagination to help my get through my frustratingly boring life.

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