Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tender Mercies of 2-3-14 through 2-9-14

This week has been chock full of blessings.  Or, more specifically, tender mercies.  Our church describes tender mercies as "a personal revelation through other people or occurrences, with spiritual meaning to you, often overlooked".  So, at around the end of each day, I take some time to think about what's happened, and how the Lord has blessed my life with his many tender mercies.  One of today's:

First of all, you should know that Pinkie Pie and I seldom get along.  Today, while we were singing songs before our family meeting, my mom complimented Pinkie's singing voice.  This is a pretty sore subject between us two, because my younger sister is slightly jealous of my voice (probably why she pretends not to like it), so as you can imagine, I was a little mad.  My mom continued, saying that Pinkie sang like classical singers.  Little Rose, always the peacemaker, asked, "What about Hermione?  Isn't she good at singing too?"  My mom responded, dismissively, that I sang differently, and continued to remark on my sister's singing.  Stung, I returned to the couch in the living room.  I'll show them, I promised myself.  Then I realized just how stupid and selfish I was being.  If I did sing, I would do it for the point of singing.  Then, they started singing one of my favorites:   Love is Spoken Here.  It's a children's primary song, in two-part harmony for the boys and the girls.  I went back over there and I sang, I started feeling tears slip down my cheeks.  Looking back on that experience, I think that the Lord was trying to help me with one of my more fatal flaws: pride.  Thank you, Jesus Christ, for catching that when I probably could have gone on with my pride and envy all day.

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